I am now 4 weeks post surgery. I had a 4 week follow up with my doctor on Thursday. Everything looks good. I am getting stronger and I am now able to do straight leg raises with 1.5#. Since my leg is getting stronger, I was able to sleep without the brace on. What a relief! I am bending my knee to 40 degrees. I will increase that 10 degrees every week. The brace will remain locked in full extension for another 2 weeks so no active knee extension yet. Work is getting easier but I am still tired at the end of the day. I am still icing my knee 5-8 hours per day. I continue to go to the gym 2 days per week to work upper body and my right leg. I will try to increase that to 3 days per week this coming week. I am riding the stationary bike with right leg only 4-5 days per week. I use NMES for 10 minutes every day with a quad set and straight leg raise.
